GLGP Water Project
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Thank you for considering a donation. But, we're not looking for money...
We started out simply wanting the WDNR to stop damaging our property and our water quality. We've learned that lowering the water elevations in flowages, to natural elevation is better for all forms of life in and around the Crex...according to the WDNR's own study.
If you are employed by the WDNR, please have the courage to speak up within the department.
If you are a normal everyday citizen, you can help by emailing the WDNR leadership team...just simply request the department to be a good neighbor. We've done our best to communicate with the department. Please help the WDNR leadership understand that department serves the people...not the other way around!
Click on the link to send an email. Copy and paste our proposed solution listed below and make it part of your message.
Steven Little , Deputy Secretary
James Yach, Northern Region Secretary's Director
Proposed Solution
I support Glacial Lake Grantsburg Properties(GLGP) flowage water levels being managed at natural elevations when located near adjacent private properties. This will prevent flooding issues and ensure the best groundwater quality for nearby residents and promote a healthier environment for all forms of wildlife and habitat.
I further affirm, that public testimony provided by local residents, supports specific maximum water elevations at the named flowages be: Crex Dike 5 (931.5), Crex Dike 6 (931.0), Crex Dike 9 (926.5), Phantom Lake (931.0), Whiskey Creek (917.5), Grettum (900.5), Dueholm (883.5), Upper L Dike (925.5), Middle L Dike (923.0), Lower L Dike (920.5), Lower Hay Creek (916.0)
With respect to other affected areas within the GLGP, we request the Department work with local government officials and residents in determining water elevations to eliminate water quality and flooding concerns being reported in their respective area.
Thank you for considering my input with regard to this issue.